🌟 Exciting News! 🌟 We're opening applications for the Superintendent’s Advisory Committees! 🗣️✨ Join us in shaping the future of La Joya ISD by sharing your voice and ideas. Let’s work together to create a stronger school community! 💪📚 Apply now for one of the following committees: ✅ Parent Advisory Committee ✅ Student Advisory Committee ✅ Educator Advisory Committee ✅ Auxiliary Advisory Committee Don't miss out! 📲 Visit www.lajoyaisd.com/committees to apply today! 🚀 ************************************** 🌟 ¡Noticias emocionantes! 🌟 ¡Estamos abriendo solicitudes para los Comités Asesores del Superintendente! 🗣️✨ Únase a nosotros para dar forma al futuro de La Joya ISD compartiendo su voz e ideas. ¡Trabajemos juntos para crear una comunidad escolar más fuerte! 💪📚 Solicite ahora para uno de los siguientes comités: ✅ Comité Asesor de Padres ✅ Comité Asesor de Estudiantes ✅ Comité Asesor de Educadores ✅ Comité Asesor Auxiliar ¡No se lo pierda! 📲 ¡Visite www.lajoyaisd.com/committees para presentar su solicitud hoy! 🚀
29 days ago, La Joya ISD
Advisory Committees
🎉 Happy IT Professionals Day! 🎉 A huge shoutout to our amazing IT team at La Joya ISD! Your hard work keeps everything running smoothly and helps us all stay connected. Thank you for all that you do! 💻🙌 #LegacyOfExcellence
29 days ago, La Joya ISD
IT Professionals Day! 🎉
🇺🇸📜 Constitution Day! 📜🇺🇸 Today marks the anniversary of the U.S. Constitution’s signing in 1787. Let’s celebrate the principles of liberty, justice, and equality that continue to shape our democracy.
29 days ago, La Joya ISD
Constitution Day! 📜🇺🇸
September 16, 2024 Dear La Joya ISD Parents, In light of recent threats made against our schools, we want to inform you that three La Joya ISD students have been arrested, transported to Hidalgo County Juvenile Detention Center and are now facing serious charges, including making false alarm and terroristic threats. These student arrests follow a thorough investigation in partnership with local law enforcement. Additionally, our La Joya ISD Police Chief, along with other law enforcement agencies and local ISD police departments, attended a press conference to address these threats and reinforce our commitment to safety. At La Joya ISD, we have a strict zero-tolerance policy when it comes to threats—whether made as a joke or with harmful intent. The safety of our students and staff is our top priority, and we will continue to take every necessary step to ensure a secure learning environment. We encourage you to have conversations with your children about the serious consequences of making or sharing threatening messages, especially on social media. Even if a threat is meant in jest, it will be treated with the utmost seriousness, and legal consequences will follow. La Joya ISD has strong safety protocols in place, including regular safety drills and increased security measures. We ask for your continued partnership in reminding students of the importance of online responsibility and reporting any unusual behavior to school officials or law enforcement. Thank you for your ongoing support in helping us keep our schools safe. ****************************************************************** Estimados padres de La Joya ISD, En vista de las recientes amenazas contra nuestras escuelas, queremos informarle que tres estudiantes de La Joya ISD han sido arrestados, trasladados al Centro de Detención Juvenil del Condado de Hidalgo y ahora enfrentan cargos graves, que incluyen realizar falsas alarmas y amenazas terroristas. Estos arrestos de estudiantes se producen tras una investigación exhaustiva en colaboración con las fuerzas del orden locales. Además, nuestro jefe de policía de La Joya ISD, junto con otras agencias de aplicación de la ley y departamentos de policía locales de ISD, asistieron a una conferencia de prensa para abordar estas amenazas y reforzar nuestro compromiso con la seguridad. En La Joya ISD, tenemos una estricta política de tolerancia cero cuando se trata de amenazas, ya sea que se hagan en broma o con intenciones dañinas. La seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal es nuestra máxima prioridad y continuaremos tomando todas las medidas necesarias para garantizar un entorno de aprendizaje seguro. Los alentamos a que conversen con sus hijos sobre las graves consecuencias de hacer o compartir mensajes amenazantes, especialmente en las redes sociales. Incluso si una amenaza es en broma, se tratará con la mayor seriedad y se aplicarán consecuencias legales. La Joya ISD cuenta con sólidos protocolos de seguridad, que incluyen simulacros de seguridad regulares y mayores medidas de seguridad. Les pedimos que sigan colaborando para recordarles a los estudiantes la importancia de la responsabilidad en línea y denunciar cualquier comportamiento inusual a los funcionarios escolares o las fuerzas del orden. Gracias por su continuo apoyo para ayudarnos a mantener nuestras escuelas seguras. Dr. Marcey Sorensen Superintendent of Schools La Joya ISD
29 days ago, La Joya ISD
District Update 9/16/24
📖🌟 It’s National Adult Education & Family Literacy (AEFL) Week! 🌟📖 La Joya ISD believes in the power of education for everyone. Let’s continue to promote lifelong learning and strengthen our communities through adult education and family literacy. 📖📚✨ #LegacyOfExcellence
30 days ago, La Joya ISD
National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week! 🌟📖
👮🏻‍♂️🌟 Celebrating National Security Officer Appreciation Week! 🌟👮🏻‍♂️ La Joya ISD acknowledges and appreciates the vital role our security officers play in maintaining a safe and secure environment. Thank you for your constant dedication and hard work! 🌟🏫🔐 #LegacyOfExcellence
30 days ago, La Joya ISD
National Security Officer Appreciation Week! 🌟👮🏻‍♂️
📅🍽️ La Joya ISD Breakfast & Lunch Menu for September 16-20, 2024 🍽️ Check out what’s cooking in our cafeterias this week! 🥪🍎🍲 For the full menu click the link below. 👉https://lajoyaisdcns.com/index.php?sid=0208131445498761...
30 days ago, La Joya ISD
La Joya ISD Breakfast & Lunch Menu for September 16-20,  2024
🎉 At La Joya ISD, we're proud to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month! 🎉 Join us in honoring the theme, “Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together.” Let's recognize the diverse cultures, rich traditions, and remarkable contributions of our Hispanic and Latino communities. Together, we celebrate our vibrant heritage and shape a brighter future!
about 1 month ago, La Joya ISD
National Hispanic Heritage Month! 🎉
🚨 Attention La Joya ISD Parents! 🚨 We are thrilled to announce our new Parent Curriculum Communicator! This platform is designed to keep you informed and engaged in your child's learning journey. Follow these steps to get started: 1️⃣ Visit the La Joya ISD website 2️⃣ Select the Parent Resources Tab 3️⃣ Find your child's grade level and subject on the dashboard. Stay connected and visit La Joya ISD for more information! 💻 🔗 https://sites.google.com/ljisd.com/ljisdacademics/parent-dashboard ************************ 🚨 ¡Atención, padres de La Joya ISD! 🚨 Estamos emocionados de anunciar nuestro nuevo Comunicador de Currículo para Padres. ¡Esta plataforma está diseñada para mantenerlo informado y comprometido con el aprendizaje de su hijo! Siga estos pasos para comenzar: 1️⃣ Visite el sitio web de La Joya ISD 2️⃣ Seleccione la pestaña de Recursos para Padres 3️⃣ Encuentre el nivel de grado y la materia de su hijo en el tablero. ¡Manténgase conectado y visite La Joya ISD para más información! 💻 🔗https://sites.google.com/ljisd.com/ljisdacademics/parent-dashboard
about 1 month ago, La Joya ISD
Parents resources
September 12, 2024 Dear La Joya ISD Parents and Guardians, In response to recent false threats made against our schools, thorough investigations have led to three arrests. These individuals are facing a variety of legal charges, including and up to a felony charge. We are sharing this information with you to let you know that we are taking each of these false threats seriously and want our parents and community to know that although none of these have resulted in any safety issues to our students, staff, or campuses, false threats will not be tolerated in our District. We also ask that you remind your children not to forward or spread any threatening messages. Instead, they should report such matters directly to a campus administrator or to our Anonymous Alerts reporting system. Individuals involved in creating or sharing threats will continue to face serious legal and administrative consequences. Again, we want all of our students and parents to understand that we seek to create a safe and secure learning environment for all of our students and staff which is why we cannot tolerate false threats of any kind in La Joya ISD. Our district has thorough safety protocols in place and we will continue to treat every threat with the utmost seriousness. Our priority remains maintaining a safe and secure learning environment for our students and staff. Rest assured, La Joya ISD will take all necessary actions to protect our schools and community. Thank you for your continued support and vigilance. We appreciate your partnership in making our schools safe and productive spaces to learn each and every day. ***************************************************************************************** Estimados padres y tutores de La Joya ISD, En respuesta a las recientes amenazas falsas realizadas contra nuestras escuelas, investigaciones exhaustivas han dado lugar a tres arrestos. Estas personas enfrentan una variedad de cargos legales, que incluyen hasta un cargo por delito grave. Compartimos esta información con usted para informarle que tomamos en serio cada una de estas amenazas falsas y queremos que nuestros padres y la comunidad sepan que, aunque ninguna de ellas ha provocado problemas de seguridad para nuestros estudiantes, personal o campus, no se tolerarán amenazas falsas en nuestro Distrito. También le pedimos que recuerde a sus hijos que no reenvíen ni difundan mensajes amenazantes. En su lugar, deben informar estos asuntos directamente a un administrador del campus o a nuestro sistema de informes de alertas anónimas. Las personas involucradas en la creación o el intercambio de amenazas seguirán enfrentando graves consecuencias legales y administrativas. Nuevamente, queremos que todos nuestros estudiantes y padres comprendan que buscamos crear un entorno de aprendizaje seguro para todos nuestros estudiantes y personal, por lo que no podemos tolerar amenazas falsas de ningún tipo en La Joya ISD. Nuestro distrito cuenta con protocolos de seguridad exhaustivos y continuaremos tratando cada amenaza con la mayor seriedad. Nuestra prioridad sigue siendo mantener un entorno de aprendizaje seguro para nuestros estudiantes y personal. Tenga la seguridad de que La Joya ISD tomará todas las medidas necesarias para proteger nuestras escuelas y nuestra comunidad. Gracias por su continuo apoyo y vigilancia. Apreciamos su colaboración para hacer que nuestras escuelas sean espacios seguros y productivos para aprender todos los días. Sincerely, Dr. Marcey Sorensen Superintendent of Schools La Joya ISD
about 1 month ago, La Joya ISD
On Wednesdays we wear college shirts to promote a College, Career, & Military Readiness culture at La Joya ISD! 🌟 Join us in the fun by rocking your favorite college shirt every Wednesday! 🎓💥 #LegacyOfExcellence
about 1 month ago, La Joya ISD
On Wednesdays we wear college shirts  to promote a College, Career, & Military Readiness culture at La Joya ISD! 🌟 Join us in the fun by rocking your favorite college shirt every Wednesday! 🎓💥 #LegacyOfExcellence
September 11, 2024 Dear La Joya ISD Parents and Guardians, We want to address the continued social media threats targeting some of our campuses. Please be assured that La Joya ISD is fully aware of these concerns, and our Police Department has conducted thorough investigations. At this time, there is no credible threat to any of our La Joya ISD schools. In response, we have deployed additional police officers to our campuses and provided extra administrative support to ensure the safety of our students and staff. The safety and well-being of our school community remain our top priority. We will continue to investigate all threats and take them seriously. Please note that anyone found responsible for making or sharing these threats, even if they are not credible, will face both administrative and legal consequences. Thank you for your cooperation and trust as we work together to maintain a safe learning environment for our students at La Joya ISD. *************************************************************************************** Estimados padres y tutores de La Joya ISD, Queremos abordar las continuas amenazas en las redes sociales dirigidas a algunas de nuestras escuelas. Tenga la seguridad de que La Joya ISD es plenamente consciente de estas preocupaciones y nuestro Departamento de Policía ha llevado a cabo investigaciones exhaustivas. En este momento, no existe ninguna amenaza creíble para ninguna de nuestras escuelas de La Joya ISD. En respuesta, hemos enviado más agentes de policía a nuestros campus y brindado apoyo administrativo adicional para garantizar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal. La seguridad y el bienestar de nuestra comunidad escolar siguen siendo nuestra principal prioridad. Seguiremos investigando todas las amenazas y las tomaremos en serio. Tenga en cuenta que cualquier persona que sea considerada responsable de realizar o compartir estas amenazas, incluso si no son creíbles, enfrentará consecuencias administrativas y legales. Gracias por su cooperación y confianza mientras trabajamos juntos para mantener un entorno de aprendizaje seguro para nuestros estudiantes en La Joya ISD. Sincerely, Dr. Marcey Sorensen Superintendent of Schools La Joya ISD
about 1 month ago, La Joya ISD
District Update  September 11, 2024
🇺🇸🌟 At La Joya ISD, we honor and remember the courage and sacrifice of those who have served and continue to serve our country on Patriot Day. Today, we come together as a community to reflect on the values of unity, resilience, and patriotism. We will always remember. 🇺🇸 🇺🇸❤️
about 1 month ago, La Joya ISD
🇺🇸 Patriot Day
La Joya ISD Central Office staff proudly supports Mental Health Awareness Month by wearing teal or purple every Tuesday in September! 💚💜 Let's stand together to raise awareness and support mental wellness in our community.
about 1 month ago, La Joya ISD
La Joya ISD Central Office staff proudly supports Mental Health Awareness Month by wearing teal or purple every Tuesday in September! 💚💜 Let's stand together to raise awareness and support mental wellness in our community.
**DISTRICT UPDATE ** September 10, 2024 Dear La Joya ISD Parents/Guardians, La Joya ISD is aware of social media messages mentioning potential threats to a few of our campuses. We have conducted thorough investigations, and no credible threat has been identified. Please rest assured, the safety of our students and staff remains our highest priority, and we take all concerns seriously. We have communicated with the schools affected, and investigations into those reports are ongoing. Although there is no evidence of any immediate danger, we are taking extra precautions. We have increased police and administrative presence across all campuses to ensure a safe learning environment. We also ask that you remind your children not to forward or spread any threatening messages. Instead, they should report such matters directly to a campus administrator. Individuals involved in creating or sharing threats will face serious legal and administrative consequences. We will keep you updated with any new developments. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation as we work together to ensure a legacy of excellence and the well-being of our school community at La Joya ISD. *********************************** Estimados padres/tutores de La Joya ISD, La Joya ISD está al tanto de los mensajes en las redes sociales que mencionan posibles amenazas a algunos de nuestros campus. Hemos llevado a cabo investigaciones exhaustivas y no se ha identificado ninguna amenaza creíble. Tenga la seguridad de que la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal sigue siendo nuestra máxima prioridad y tomamos todas las inquietudes en serio. Nos hemos comunicado con las escuelas afectadas y las investigaciones sobre esos informes están en curso. Aunque no hay evidencia de ningún peligro inmediato, estamos tomando precauciones adicionales. Hemos aumentado la presencia policial y administrativa en todos los campus para garantizar un entorno de aprendizaje seguro. También le pedimos que recuerde a sus hijos que no reenvíen ni difundan ningún mensaje amenazante. En su lugar, deben informar estos asuntos directamente a un administrador del campus. Las personas involucradas en la creación o el intercambio de amenazas enfrentarán graves consecuencias legales y administrativas. Lo mantendremos informado de cualquier novedad. Gracias por su continuo apoyo y cooperación mientras trabajamos juntos para garantizar un legado de excelencia y el bienestar de nuestra comunidad escolar en La Joya ISD. Sincerely, Dr. Marcey Sorensen Superintendent of Schools La Joya ISD
about 1 month ago, La Joya ISD
District Update 9/10/24
🚨 ATTENTION PARENTS! 🚨 We're excited to announce that the Campus Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is forming at your child's school! 🏫👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Starting the week of September 16, 2024, principals will be selecting members to join this vital group! 🙌 PAC members play a key role in strengthening the bond between school and community, fostering collaboration, and ensuring a top-notch educational experience for all students! 🎓💡 Want to be involved? Contact your school or the Office of Student, Family, and Community Engagement at 956-323-2609 for more details! 📞✨
about 1 month ago, La Joya ISD
Campus PAC
🚨 ATTENTION PARENTS! 🚨 We're excited to announce that the Campus Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is forming at your child's school! 🏫👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Starting the week of September 16, 2024, principals will be selecting members to join this vital group! 🙌 PAC members play a key role in strengthening the bond between school and community, fostering collaboration, and ensuring a top-notch educational experience for all students! 🎓💡 Want to be involved? Contact your school or the Office of Student, Family, and Community Engagement at 956-323-2609 for more details! 📞✨
about 1 month ago, La Joya ISD
Campus PAC
Dear Parents/Guardians, La Joya ISD is aware of threatening messages circulating on social media, targeting several schools in the Rio Grande Valley. Please know that the well-being of our school community remains our top priority, and we take all threats seriously. While an arrest has been made in another school district in connection with these threats, we want to assure you that we are closely monitoring the situation. At this time our campus administrators and police force have diligently followed up on potential threats posed at La Joya ISD campuses and will continue to keep campus communities updated. We have increased patrols in and around our campuses to ensure the continued safety of our students and staff as a further precaution. We also ask that you take this opportunity to talk with your children about the importance of not forwarding any threatening messages. Instead, they should report these threats immediately to a campus administrator. Please be aware that anyone responsible for making or circulating threats will face serious legal and administrative consequences. We will continue to provide updates as needed and appreciate your continued support and cooperation in maintaining a safe learning environment. ******************************************************************** Queridos Padres / Tutores, El Distrito Escolar Independiente de La Joya está al tanto de los mensajes amenazantes que circulan en las redes sociales y que apuntan a varias escuelas del Valle del Río Grande. Tenga en cuenta que el bienestar de nuestra comunidad escolar sigue siendo nuestra principal prioridad y tomamos todas las amenazas en serio. Si bien se realizó un arresto en otro distrito escolar en relación con estas amenazas, queremos asegurarle que estamos monitoreando de cerca la situación. En este momento, los administradores de nuestro campus y la fuerza policial han hecho un seguimiento diligente de las posibles amenazas planteadas en los campus del Distrito Escolar Independiente de La Joya y continuarán manteniendo informadas a las comunidades del campus. Hemos aumentado las patrullas dentro y alrededor de nuestros campus para garantizar la seguridad continua de nuestros estudiantes y personal como medida de precaución adicional. También le pedimos que aproveche esta oportunidad para hablar con sus hijos sobre la importancia de no reenviar ningún mensaje amenazante. En cambio, deben informar estas amenazas de inmediato a un administrador del campus. Tenga en cuenta que cualquier persona responsable de realizar o difundir amenazas enfrentará graves consecuencias legales y administrativas. Continuaremos brindando actualizaciones según sea necesario y agradecemos su continuo apoyo y cooperación para mantener un entorno de aprendizaje seguro.
about 1 month ago, La Joya ISD
District Update
🎨✨ Happy National Arts in Education Week! 🎨✨ This week, we celebrate the incredible impact of the arts on education and how they inspire creativity and enhance learning. Let’s continue to embrace and support the arts in our schools! 🎭📚 #LegacyOfExcellence
about 1 month ago, La Joya ISD
🎨✨ It's National Arts in Education Week!
📅🍽️ La Joya ISD Breakfast & Lunch Menu for September 9-13, 2024 🍽️ Check out what’s cooking in our cafeterias this week! For the full menu click the link below. 🥪🍎🍲 👉https://lajoyaisdcns.com/index.php?sid=0208131445498761...
about 1 month ago, La Joya ISD
La Joya ISD Breakfast & Lunch Menu for September 9-13,  2024